Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Been a while

I know it has been a while since I have been here. Initially it was time constraints that kept me away, juggling between work and home. Later was hit by the writer’s block. At the beginning of the year I had promised myself to make more time for my blog but unfortunately that has not worked out well, however on the brighter side of things the year is yet to get over and I hope I can do all the justice over next three months. 

And while I was away I did some take time out to go home and enjoy Mother Nature at it's best. Surrendering yourself completely to the beauty of nature is still by far the best way to re-inspire oneself.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Vishal .. I hope I can keep up the momentum going .. :D

  2. Glad to have back Sangeeta and I hope to see more of you now :)


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