Saturday, March 1, 2014

Silly Saturdays: Mr and Miss Zen and the yelling monster !

It’s been long since I wrote on of these and this time I have just the right one to brag Smera’s witticism.

While we were unpacking, the curious Smera would sneak up and find all those that she is specifically not suppose to touch. After numerous warnings from morning, I ultimately lost my cool and I started screaming. I know that’s not nice but I am human and humans make mistakes.

Unfortunately the hubby was home to bail out Smera.  In his composed voice he said, “Calm Down!” to me. That exasperated me even more and so I burst out on him for taking her side. Mr. Zen was in no mood to bow down to monstrous me and repeated once again in his even more tranquil voice, “Calm Down!”.

With that I decided to shut up completely refused to say another word.

To add the final touches little Smera says, “ Look Mamma daddy said, not once but two time calm down, calm down but you never listen. See now he has gone to office.”

I was left in such state of confusion whether to shout again or laugh out loud, eventually ended up with a poker straight face.

Moral of the story is – I can never win an argument with Smera, thanks to the dad on her side! 


  1. Haha..our children are a bliss to us..and they always are their daddy's favourite..:-)

  2. It is impossible to discipline kids when they know they have daddy on their side always !

  3. nice blog...keep in touch...:) plz join my blog

  4. Ha ha :) soon she will be telling you 'calm down' every time u lose your cool


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