Sunday, January 15, 2012

Writing on the wall is fear

Sometimes I really wish that I can’t see things clearly. I mean literally, especially on weekends when my part-time help gets full-time rest. I don’t keep this is a secret, my obsessive and compulsive desire to keep everything clean are (in)famous – house and car are among my favorites. You must have figured out by now, the blindingly obvious reason why I wish for occasional opacity. 

I wasn’t always like this. I used to be far from being a cleanliness freak. While growing up, I was a constant target of my mother’s ire for not keeping my room clean. Now though, the tables have turned – my mother feels intimidated by how clinical I am when it comes to cleanliness.  Maybe it’s true what they say - that you become more like your mother when you grow up.

So when did this transformation begin? I think it was around the time I got married. I am assuming all the married women who are reading this have experienced this routine – throwing wet towels on the bed and using half the collection of kitchen utensils to make a cup of tea are just a couple of examples. After years of nagging, I managed to produce a reformed man and tidy house. But this was not going to last.

In a short span for a year and a bit, I have come down back down to reality. At just 14 months, Smera seems to taking revenge on behalf of her Grand-mother and Daddy.  Try as much as I will, she has this uncanny knack of messing things up – she truly is her Daddy’s girl, just like the way I used to be (refer to second paragraph!). I have this premonition that some day soon Smera would discover crayons and transform herself into a baby Picasso, using the white walls as her canvas and the colours to express herself.

For the obsessive compulsive cleaner in me, the writing on the wall is clear – there is going to be a lot of writing on the wall.


  1. LOL :) graffiti artists.. SMERA ? nice name ! or any spelling mistake for sameera ?


    1. The name is Smera and it means the smiling one .. :D

  2. lol....better be prepared for the new picasso

    1. I've started saying an additional prayer at night now :D

  3. when u give her crayons,let her room be with all her Picasso art, dont clean the walls...afterall it should scream Smera's room ;) (but i only mean her room, which is going to be difficult) lol....

    1. Looking at how naughty she is getting she might conquer the roof .. for now she does not know what pens and crayons are sigh!!

  4. I have an idea which you can use. Make Smera an accomplice in your cleaning routine. Samaira my daughter loves to pick up things and put them in a basket or somewhere, so I just make her my helper and she doesn't even ask for a raise. LOL.

    1. I have started this with Smera and I am sure she gets it but she chooses to ignore! I shall keep trying.

    2. Try some appreciation every time she picks up something and puts it away. She'll love the fact that mommy noticed.

      You find wet towels on the bed? Tell me about it! :)

      Nice post. I can relate to it.


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