Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Mary and Martha made me feel really helpless tonight

Just finished watching a movie called Mary and Martha - watching the movie has made me feel really small in my own eyes.  Sometimes just surviving life is enough for some people and we are lucky to have good education, jobs, kids, happy families, bank balance, annual vacations and much more! There are some movies that are just meant to shake you up, get you out of this dream and that is what this movie has exactly aimed at doing.

The movie plot if you may ask is - The two women turn their grief into action, hoping to thwart the disease, which the World Health Organization estimates killed 660,000 people in 2010, most of them African children. The movie builds to a scene in which the women testify before a Congressional subcommittee. In the process, Mary and Martha come to realize that the losses experienced by two comfortable white Western households are atypical, and that the real impact of malaria is on parts of the world that few people in their circles know or care about. 
But what it meant to me is that, sitting and cribbing about the government would not help. We need to make little steps, in our lives to make our environment a better place. Each one can teach one, or you could sponsor somebody’s medical cost, fund a child’s education. Imagine if we all did just one good thing what a better place it would be.

As a ritual, we don’t celebrate in family my birthdays or other big occasion with grandeur, have lavish parties or expensive gifts. We give that money back to the community where it could be used more wisely. Even then I felt so small after watching this movie, leaving me with the feeling that I am not doing enough.  And so I urge you watch this movie, with your kids, spend sometime doing a little for your community. If nothing else it will surely give you peace in life, which is what we all are craving for in our lives.
Don’t go looking to far, you can start from home – give lady who comes to clean a little extra money, give the watchman who guards your building some groceries, buying books the ironing lady’s children or just spend time at an orphanage or an old age home.

We can play a little part, let us not wait for the change to happen, let us make it happen!


  1. True! And you imagine that this is a simple enough concept - our every action can make a difference. But it's amazing that people really don't get it.

    1. Absolutely Vandita ... the movie thankfully reminded me of what I should be going !! Glad you agree too :D

  2. So true.... so good. Message well spread Sangeeta. Great blog :)

  3. A simple act yet a huge one .. going to watch the movie.

    1. Yes please Namrota! I am sure you won't be disappointed .. beware it's a little heavy movie ...

  4. I have not watched Mary and Martha but I don't need to see it to feel what you say. Well said, it all begins from places closest to our homes.

    1. USP but you must watch .. someone like you will really appreciate it !!

  5. HI Sangeeta, thanks for sharing your sentiments about this movie, will definitely try to watch it.

  6. Wonderful initiative by these two women!

    1. Absolutely Uma all you need is a little effort right ??

  7. True..simple things matter, will watch the movie. :)

    1. Yes please Esha and tell me whether you liked it or not :D

  8. Beautiful review Sangy! Will watch the movie for sure and I love Hillary Swank!

  9. Wow and I was just hopelessly trying to find a movie to watch! Guess I found the one :D


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