Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Dear daddy ...

To my Daddy,

A week in and I still cannot find the right line to start. Last week went by re-living my childhood memories thinking of the time we spent together, the jokes we shared, the fights we had, the lessons I learnt and the times you’ve been there for me (that would be all the time!).

You and I are so similar – when it comes to getting angry or having fun. I miss those days when we would watch Malayalam movies on weekend together without knowing the name of the movie and more recently when you and ma were here last year on Smera’s arrival. I miss those days when you would wake me up and rush me to get to school on-time, picking me up after college and discussing politics over tea.

Even then, it took me my first stint of living away from home to realise how much I love you and amma. But the best was yet to come - my admiration for you both are unexplainable in words now that I am a mother to Smera. It’s a tough task and you have all my sympathies now for all that I have put you through.

Of course there are numerous things I still need to learn from you. The one that tops my mind first is being disciplined, in life and more particularly about my health. Someone asked why are you so fixated about your weight?  Without a slightest bit of delay my answer was – “You have not seen my mom and dad”. Sometimes I really feel ashamed that I can’t even match half your energy at my age. Another thing I truly love about is your take it easy attitude, I know how much you hate the word tension, and just on this one occasion I wish if I was not like ma. 

Dad, I know I don’t say this very often– you are the best dad I could have asked for and I can’t thank you enough for giving us a good life.  You have given me a great mother and a wonderful brother and on your 60th birthday, I just want to say – I love you.

Happy Birthday!!

P.S. – I remember you got very emotional watching the movie Baghban and had tears in your eyes. Well that’s not going to happen to you, we are going to take good care of you. But instead you and me can author a hilarious comedy writing our life stories. Tell me what you think of it?  

Image courtesy: corbis.com


  1. awww...I miss my daddy..

    Happy birthday to your father... :D

    1. Thank you Clai, I will pass on your wishes to him :)

    2. Hi Sangeeta, I am happy to take your father's birthday, happy birthday to 60. Berhagailah you, if you are capable of happiness, your mom and dad. Be filial piety to parents. greetings from Indonesia.

  2. really touching....my BIRTHDAY WISHES TO YOUR DADDY:)

  3. Hats off :):D parents do their best for their children, it's in us how we repay it with gratitude and saying adieu to so called generation gap , all in the world what they ask, just to hold their hands in needy times. That's their greatness.
    my best wishes to your Dad.

    1. Absolutely Vinayak !! thank you for your warm wishes :)

  4. very loving.. happy buddy Sangry's Dad :) :)..and uncle pl think about that book seriously :) :)

    1. Thank you girl !! If not a book maybe I could write a few posts on it :)

  5. That was a really touchy post...Happy Birthday Uncle...with you a great life ahead... :)

    1. Thank you Sarabjit .. I will wish him on your behalf ..

  6. I guess everybody can relate to this, my parents too get emotional every time they see Baghban and still they watch it whenever its on TV!! I have to change the channel...
    Happy bday to your dad and a Happy daddy bday to u :)

    1. Thanks prachee .. I didn't like Baghban .. since I don't know anyone who can be so cruel to their parents and my dad sad ..

  7. A lucky dad, having a loving daughter paying her respects and love. And sharing it with the world.
    Happy Birthday to your lucky Dad.

    1. Thank you so much for your good wishes .. This was my way saying how much I love him and since I couldn't be with him on his birthday !!

  8. Replies
    1. Suresh Bingo I am surely a very lucky daughter :)

  9. You sure know how to get a good gift from your dad for your next birthday.. haha.. jus kidding :D

    You are very cute and very sweet just like this post :)

  10. That was such a sweet a loving post. :) Made me feel very nostalgic. Here's wishing your dad a very happy bday and lots and lots of happiness for all of you together. :)

    1. Thank you Raj !! I will surely convey your good wishes to him :)

  11. Belated Happy Birthday Uncle, wish you a wonderful life ahead

  12. Aww, its a sweet post, mallu girl! Hope you made him read it, for he will love it for sure! :)

    1. Thank you Neeraj !! Yes he did read and felt very nostalgic himself remembering our childhood !!

  13. Dad's are the sweetest... Very Happy Bday to uncle!
    My Dad commented for the first time on my previous post n my joy knew no bounds... It's just so precious!
    U hav a lovely family bonding, judging frm ur posts! Touchwood!
    Cheers! :)

    1. Pranita - Thank you girl !! I can imagine your happiness on seeing your dad's comment .. god bless you :)

  14. that's a sweet post. b'day wishes to your dad :)

  15. Nice post...waiting for the hilarious comedy which will be written by you both :-)

    1. Thank you Rajana .. if not the book, I must write a few posts on my childhood, it would be hilarious ..

  16. Lovely article...pls convey my regards and irthday wishes to uncle.

    1. Surely Seema, I will convey your good wishes to dad.

  17. Happy Birthday to your daddy Sangeetha
    ...That brought back a lot of memories....I lost my dad exactly a year ago last April and there is a void in life now that nothing can replace......

    1. Jaish - I am really sorry to know about your Dad and I am sure nothing can fill that vaccum he must have left behind in your life, but for his happiness you must smile

  18. happy birthday to uncle :)
    oh wow...its my dad's 60th birthday too this year :) I am saving money for the huge party right now :D don't know if its a ritual in your culture but in Andhra, we hold a huge celebration for the 60th birthday...its like a milestone in life.

    1. Thank you Swati - Shastipurthi is celebrated in our family too in grand way and we wanted to do something big for him but instead he wanted to keep the celebrations modest ..

  19. That would be the best birthday gift for your dad..
    And this made me realize how badly i am gonna miss my daddy after few years ..Happy birthday to your dad!

    1. Thank you Revathi and yes enjoy your time with him while you can :)

  20. What a wonderful and touching post! Greetings to your Dad. The best gift ever, I am sure.

  21. I am sure, Sangeeta that your dad will be proud to have such a doting daughter! Stay blessed, and best wishes to him on his birthday:)

  22. happy birthday to your father.
    my best wishes are with both of u

  23. What a realistic post..coming straight from the heart...
    Happy Birthday to uncle..

  24. many many happy returns of the day to your father , please do extend my regards to him..

    I am sure he is proud of this hope he read this one ..
    God bless you ..


  25. happy b'day uncle! hope this heart-warming post made ur day!

    1. Thanks Ipsi ... he loved it and was feeling really nostalgic after reading it.

  26. The perfect gift for your dad on his birthday. Lovely post.

  27. That's a lovely tribute to your dad. Shows how much you love your parents, and by extension other people. Because love originates at home.

    1. You are absolutely right Matheikal .. Love originates at home and feel really blessed to have wonderful parents .. :)

  28. Such beautiful lines, Sangeeta. I'm sure you made this his best birthday ever. Here's wishing your dad a very happy birthday and many many more birthdays. :).

    1. Thank you girl .. wish I was home with him that would have been then just perfect :)

  29. My Dad got emotional after watching Baghban..I guess all dads are senti :)..Happy Bday to ur Dad! :)

    1. Yeah you right !! But I don't like that movie .. I will surely pass on your wishes to dad ..

  30. That was a hear-warming birthday wish to a father from his doting daughter. You reminded me of my father too, who is now denizen of a wall.

    1. I am really sorry to hear about your father Umashankar .. I am sure he is in a better place, close to god.

  31. very touching and beautiful
    wish your dad a very happy birthday :)

  32. Happy Birthday. He is lucky to have you.

  33. beautiful tribute that will be treasured by your dad as a gift of a lifetime!
    Happy Birthday to your Dad and wish him plenty more!!


    1. Thank you so much .. I will pass on your good wishes to him :)

  34. Very rarely I come across posts written for parents!!It was beautiful..Happy Birthday to your dad!!:)

    1. Thanks pooja .. glad you liked reading it .. I wish him on your behalf :)

  35. Very touching- Nice One Sangeetha

  36. One of the best birthday wishes that a daughter can extend to her father. You father's fears based on Bhagban are definitely misplaced- you guys can take wonderful care of him.
    Best wishes for your book...

    1. :) Hariharan thanks a lot .. I am not sure if I will ever write that book but I am sure a few posts on my childhood waggishness is surely on the cards ...

  37. HAppy b'day to your daddy :)
    Sweet post ^__^ <3

  38. I still remember that ad in which the kid shouts, 'My daddy Strongest!' I always say that when my dad does the simplest thing because he is my hero no matter how weird or old he is! I love him. His wish for this birthday was so simple.. I want to have Champagne.. :D I was so surprised, so I arrabged a small party invited few close friends of mine and we corked out a bottle of champagne, end of the party my friends told that my dad is a certified super cool father of the generation! Oh you got me talking about my daddy! Time to shut up!

    Happy birthday to your first hero! :D

    1. :) That's so adorable .. I am really glad that you got talking about your dad .. The champagne ritual was followed at home too :)

  39. :)
    i guess we rarely tell our parents how much we love them.. and more often than not, miss them...

  40. wat a cute post !!! happy b'day to ur daddy :)

  41. Whether late or not please communicate my best wishes to your father on his Sasthapurty. We do not have such customs but i shall be 60 on July.
    Wonderful post and keep the going
    With all my blessings to you

    1. Thank you so much and I will pass on your wishes to Dad.. If there is ritual or not it's a huge accomplishment .. Congratulations in advance on the big milestone :)

  42. A great birthday gift that anyone can present to one's dad.

    Awesome Post!!!!!

  43. No gift can ever suffice the love from our parents! :) Dad is every girls' first best friend! :D Love my dad and happy birthday to your day :) Lovely post! :D

    1. Very rightly said Harshini .. Thank you so much for the birthday wishes :)

  44. Dad!, a daughter's first post... great dedicated post for ur dad.. :D :D Wish him on my behalf too.. :)

    You should take part in this contest - Coolest Blog Contest 2012

    1. ohh sorry... clumsy mistake... the quote is

      "Dad!, a daughter's first LOVE!" :D

      *ashamed* :(

    2. :) Ankit thank you and I do typo all the time :)


  45. Sweet Post :)

    I am missing home after reading this :|

    Best Wishes to you and your Dad :)

    Keep Blogging!

    1. Thanks Nasir .. I know the feeling .. I am perennially home-sick these days .. :)

  46. A very sweet post dedicated to your dad, Hats off . . .
    Keep Writing . . .

    Ashwini Dey

    1. Thank you for stopping by Ashwini .. Cheers !!

  47. It is nice to read articles like yours expressing love for their parents. It is an inspirational story.

    1. Freddie thank you so much for this lovely comment. Glad you enjoyed reading it.

  48. The P.S. is the best part... Your father will be very proud...

    1. Thanks Vishal .. He became very emotional after reading it and amazed that I still remembered the incident .. That's one reason why I don't like Baghban, it made him cry.

  49. Belated birthday wishes to your daddy, Sangeeta ji! :)

    1. Thanks Leo .. I will pass on the wishes to him :)

  50. touching post - made me miss achan! many birthday wishes to ur dad.

  51. What a wonderful write-up. Most of the time one never understands the pain and the care of the parent unless he or she steps in their shoes. Such a wonderful and touching letter to your dad and surely he is proud of you. It also sheds a lot of light on good parenting you know!! Thanks

    1. You are right Juzar, being a parent now I am able to much more appreciate all that my parents have done for me. Thank you for stopping by !!

  52. That was a sweet one Sangeeta! Fathers are the pillars of our lives that we lean on and find strength from...

    Belated Birthday Wishes to your father! I am sure that this was one of the best B'day gifts he ever had!!! God Bless!

    1. Thank you Nisha for your the lovely birthday wishes .. I will surely pass them on to him. Cheers !!

  53. Hello to my favorite blogger :D :). I have a small award for you :D :). http://sweetsomethingz.blogspot.in/2012/04/awesomeness-personified.html

  54. HI Sangeeta

    I am pleased to inform you that I have nominated you for "The Versatile Blogger" award and that in my opinion you desrve every bit of it.
    I personally love reading your blog.

    Anyway, I dont know if such things interest you, but in case you do , please follow the link Unfold The Folded and do the needful. Otherwise, I still want you to know that I believe you deserve the award .

    Thanks a lot and Congratulations.

  55. Sangeeta do wish your dad a great 60th Birthday!. its such a lovely post to read.... enjoy the time with him the more you can...

  56. I am touched Sangeeta. I had goose bumps when I read the post. The reverence and love you share for your dad is so well put. May Gpd bless your dad with good health and joy. :) Happy Birthday to him.

    PS: Remove word verification pleeeeeeeeeease :)

  57. Hi,

    I only recently discovered your blog and have enjoyed reading it ever since. I would like to gift you an award in genuine appreciation, no pre-conditions attached. Just something that I feel applies to your blog. Please view http://deepa-duraisamy.blogspot.com/2012/04/and-winner-is.html for the award. Hope you like it!


  58. It was very nice. Belated wishes to Daddy. I read it sometime back but unable to comment since I was not able to create a profile. Now I am done with it, hence this comment. Look forward to hear new news as it has been a month since you wrote. Kind regards

  59. i must say ur dad have got a lovely princess like you!& lucky enough to have u a sweet daughter like you! keep loving ,keep writing & smiling always! :)


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