Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Seven Habits of Highly Annoying People

Some people have a knack to bring out the worst in me. I have been trying hard to reform myself, but do what I may, these people tend to succeed in throwing me off-track every now and then. This blog is my latest endeavour to fight them off - by naming and noticing those demons.

1. People who think they are superior to others and treat fellow human beings like dirt

2. Folks who frequently interrupt and force down their beliefs, thoughts, likes and dislikes upon others

3. Individuals who think they-know-it-all and take it to the extreme and think they know you better than you know yourself

4. Have you come across people who act like an on-line comparison sites ? I have this but you don't have it, mine is better than yours.

5. FAKE people - they are not just pretentious, they are Finicky, Arrogant, Killjoy and Ego-centric.

6. People who whine and moan all the time - just the thought of their company is depressing.

7.  Lastly, people who criticize too much. See I told you they bring the worst in me!  

P.S. - All the demons described above are factual. However, I cannot guarantee any exact resemblance to anyone who is dead, alive or pretending to be dead. 


  1. Great. We see such people around us on a daily basis. Sometimes we cannot take worst out of us (for me atleast) and end up in frustrations being taken for granted on every steps. Criticizing too much giving the pleasure (for some) of being spoiled someone's little joy. Keep writing...More power!

  2. You've nailed it Anonymous ... I think i am destined to be with such people in my life ... the more I try to push them away these sort of people come back to me !

  3. Rotfl!!
    And these folks practice their annoying habits with a diligence that wd put Covey to shame:)

  4. Hi Sangeeta, loved this post. Why dint I see this before! Loved your blog, though this takes the cake!
    People, they come in all colors, sizes and types, most dont like each other, but then some take being different to another level all together.
    I'm also sharing this, especially the "cover page" (which says it all), hope you dont mind.

  5. Varsha - I am glad you've enjoyed this post ..

  6. Pooja - Thank you so much .. you just made my day ... Be my guest to share it :)

  7. Replies
    1. Thank you for stopping by ..

      P.S.- I love reading your blog ... truly refreshing ..

  8. this post is a suprise....i have read the original book....n huh...u have changed the dimensions of thoughts.....well :)

    1. Thank you !! I have the book but haven't got a chance to read it though !! Maybe its time I did that.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Oops sorry i posted in reply..anyway its a good one..
    I guess everyone in their would have come across such people

    1. No problem Krutika ... I am glad you liked it .. :D

  10. Entertaining !!!
    Steven Sangeeta Covey Nair !!

  11. Hi Sangeeta,

    I just posted on your "malayalam murder" blog, and now I can totally relate to this. It's very common in my family..sadly..but yea I do distant myself from these types of people..can't stand them!

    1. Correct!! I think if someone cannot respect you it's best to distance yourself from them..

      P.S. - do leave your name next time :D


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